Anti-Bullying Expert
Watch as Sir Rod captivates students taking them on a musical journey on how music changed “From then…Until Now”, “From Old School, New School”… From James Brown all the way to Today’s Hottest Music!
After Sir Rod wins the right to be heard. He will give a poignant message on the Power of Choice, The Different Types of Bullying ( Verbal, Cyber, Accidental and Most serious of all Self Bullying. I explain how self bullying is like a disease and
give the systems of the Self Bully disease.
The Star Maker Program • Personal Brand • Empowerment
Sir Rod will discuss with students or adults how to be a “STAR” in any Career. I explain how when I was writing my book Ten Commandments of The Stage … I found the same principles it takes a master stage performer. Can be applied to ever career.
Red Ribbon • Drug Awareness
Sir Rod’s high impact message to your students in a way they can readily receive. Sir Rod the master performer and speaker will break down the barriers our young people put up by meeting them on their level. He will earn the right to be heard by the student body as they bring music, dance and comedy to the school. Once a common rapport is established, our performers & motivational speakers speak “real talk” to students about Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco.
Learn From My Mistakes – Child Support Presentation is a 1.5 hours in length, including a 30 minute Q&A section. Men and Women will gain a wealth of knowledge on life, wisdom, making right choices and child support issues. Also, they will gain some clarity about a confusing and complex child support system.
Black History
This is the #1 program for Black History Month and Multicultural themed programming. Our Master Presenter will deliver a memorable experience with a message of Character, History and Perseverance of the Human Spirit.